Friday, November 04, 2005

the queen of sciences

in school,the much-talked about subject i.e, in academics was mathematics. the one subject most kids feared and some were crazy about.yeah, there were only two options in this particular subject. u either liked her or hated her! as for me, hmmm...i had a love-hate relationship with her. it depended on the kind of teacher we had.a kiddish thought,but i hated maths mainly because it compusorily made my notebook dirty with all the crossing out!!
jokes apart,it always intrigued me and sometimes frustrated me, when i failed to hit the bull's eye on a problem.i knew 'she' was teasing me,enjoying my discomfort.yeah reader,i see ur face breaking into an expression of amusement even as u read this. however my sole complaint was this-the syllabus didn't include anything that could capture the happy attention of a school kid. i longed for the puzzles,for the number tricks and fun facts.all we had to do then was mug up the multiplication tables and recite them like trained parrots.i was never a math genius but i got annoyed when classmates made math a metaphor for monster!! a comment 'is it the fault of math that we can't comprehend her?' from me met with furious glares.
any book i found with a math puzzle turned dog-eared quite soon because i worked ,reread,repeatedly tried out the problems it had to offer. of course,i couldnt solve all of them myself,but the process of discovering something new gave me a thrill, a high. come college and maths was reduced to cramming calculus formulae.the board exam took the fun off activity. but even now, any math puzzle book catches my eye.the process of solving problems has grown slower,sometimes it doesn't happen.nevertheless, i know she still fascinates everyone,young and old.

hats off, ms.Mathematics-the queen of sciences.

some things that demonstrate math magic:

a set of math jokes,seriously.

The reciprocal of 89, a Fibonacci number, is based on the Fibonacci series,
1/89 is a repeating decimal fraction with 44 characters:
You can see the beginning of the Fibonacci sequence in the first 6 digits of the decimal equivalent of 1/89. (i.e., 0,1,1,2,3,5 appears as 0.011235..)
If you take each Fibonacci number, divide it by 10 raised to the power of its position in the Fibonacci sequence and add them all together, you get 0.011235955..., the same number as the reciprocal of 89.

Note the Fibonacci series in green
Note the sequence number of the Fibonacci series in red

1 / 89 =
0 / (10 ^ 1 )+
1 / (10 ^ 2 ) +
1 / (10 ^ 3 ) +
2 / (10 ^ 4 ) +
3 / (10 ^ 5 ) +
5 / (10 ^ 6 ) +
8 / (10 ^ 7 ) +
13 / (10 ^ 8 ) +
. . .
0.011235955... =

0.0 +
0.01 +
0.001 +
0.0002 +
0.00003 +
0.000005 +
0.0000008 +
0.00000013 +
. . .

and of course u all are familiar with the number PHI

phi is just one of an infinite series of numbers that can be constructed from the following expression using the square root (√) of integer numbers:
(1+√n) / 2
It just so happens that you get phi when you let n equal 5. Let n be other integers and you get a series of numbers whose squares each exceed their root by a difference that increases by 0.25 for each number in the series.
Phi, being the 5th one in the series, just happens to be the one that produces a difference of 1 with its square, leading to the unique property that it shares with no other number:
Phi + 1 = Phi *Phi

Phi - 1 = 1 / Phi
check it out urself.amazing,it really is.

ok so we all need a laugh now, are 10 excuses for not completing that math assignment!!

10. It's Isaac Newton's birthday.

9. I couldn't decide whether i is the square root of -1 or i are the square root of -1.

8. I accidently divided by 0 and my paper burst into flames.

7. It's stuck inside a Klein bottle.

6. I could only get arbitrarily close to my textbook.

5. I had too much pi and got sick.

4. Someone already published it, so I didn't bother to write it up.

3. A four-dimensional dog ate it.

2. I have a solar calculator and it was cloudy.

1. There wasn't enough room to write it in the margin.

another 'un:

CLEARLY: I don't want to write down all the in-between steps.
TRIVIAL: If I have to show you how to do this, you're in the wrong class.
OBVIOUSLY: I hope you weren't sleeping when we discussed this earlier, because I refuse to repeat it.
RECALL: I shouldn't have to tell you this, but for those of you who erase your memory tapes after every test, here it is again.
WITHOUT LOSS OF GENERALITY: I'm not about to do all the possible cases, so I'll do one and let you figure out the rest.
ONE MAY SHOW: One did, his name was Gauss.
IT IS WELL KNOWN: See "Mathematische Zeitschrift'', vol XXXVI, 1892.
CHECK FOR YOURSELF: This is the boring part of the proof, so you can do it on your own time. SKETCH OF A PROOF: I couldn't verify the details, so I'll break it down into parts I couldn't prove.
HINT: The hardest of several possible ways to do a proof.
ELEGANT PROOF: Requires no previous knowledge of the subject, and is less than ten lines long.
SIMILARLY: At least one line of the proof of this case is the same as before.
CANONICAL FORM: 4 out of 5 mathematicians surveyed recommended this as the final form for the answer.
THE FOLLOWING ARE EQUIVALENT: If I say this it means that, and if I say that it means the other thing, and if I say the other thing...
BY A PREVIOUS THEOREM: I don't remember how it goes (come to think of it, I'm not really sure we did this at all), but if I stated it right, then the rest of this follows.
TWO LINE PROOF: I'll leave out everything but the conclusion.
BRIEFLY: I'm running out of time, so I'll just write and talk faster.
LET'S TALK THROUGH IT: I don't want to write it on the board because I'll make a mistake.
PROCEED FORMALLY: Manipulate symbols by the rules without any hint of their true meaning.
QUANTIFY: I can't find anything wrong with your proof except that it won't work if x is 0.
FINALLY: Only ten more steps to go...
PROOF OMITTED: Trust me, it's true.

ready for a puzzle all u bravehearts??

A rectangular sheet of paper is folded so that two diagonally opposite corners come together. If the crease formed is the same length as the longer side of the sheet, what is the ratio of the longer side of the sheet to the shorter side?

get going.

now dont u agree?u might like her,u most probably will hate her,but u just can't ignore her.

my dil goes mmmmm....


Blogger the Monk said...

you're being spammed...activate word a major maths fan...the sheer rush you get when solving a problem is amazing...

Friday, 04 November, 2005  
Blogger insane said...

phew !! havent used my brains all 4yrs of engg and suddenly this post...i need to give my grey cells some rest..they have been overworked !!...:-)
on a serious note, ur post reminds me of happy days in school..

Saturday, 05 November, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I completely agree with insane, it did reminded me of my school days...:)

Saturday, 05 November, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't mess with the queen dear. You blew one of the fundamental mathematical principles in proving 1=2. You, at one point of your derivation, divide by zero which is as good as committing the Original Sin in mathematics.

Now, lets look at the number PHI.Its a ratio whose value is 1.622812. Considered as a golden ratio you'll find it everywhere. The ratio of length of your entire hand and the length between your shoulder to elbow will give you the value of PHI. The ratio of the length of your entire leg and the length from your thigh to knee will give you the ratio PHI. The ratio of your total height to the length measure from your head to your belly-button will give you the value PHI. I got all these from the Da Vinci Code. you'll go crazy when you'll find PHI everywhere.

Saturday, 05 November, 2005  
Blogger xtremely_insane said...

ahaa. i told u guys i aint a math genius. anyway thnx for correcting for the mistake in 1=2, well ok yaar, sometimes it happens. dont we all get carried away??
so, priya,look i've corrected the thing!
now hope i can claim that 1=2??
tell me soon!!

Saturday, 05 November, 2005  
Blogger xtremely_insane said...

and jay, i fell in love with PHI because of the da vinci code!!
of course i've read the book!!

Saturday, 05 November, 2005  
Blogger xtremely_insane said...

and yeah identify the fallacy here:
The Fallacious Proof:
Step 1: Let a=b.
Step 2: Then a^2 = ab,
Step 3: a^2 + a^2 = a^2 + ab,
Step 4: 2 a^2 = a^2 + ab,
Step 5: 2 a^2 - 2 ab = a^2 + ab - 2 ab,
Step 6: and 2 a^2 - 2 ab = a^2 - ab.

Step 7: This can be written as 2 (a^2 - a b) = 1 (a^2 - a b),
Step 8: and cancelling the (a^2 - ab) from both sides gives 1=2.
See if you can figure out in which step the fallacy lies.

Saturday, 05 November, 2005  
Blogger radiohead said...

ahem where r u studyin by the way .. i love maths [ i alwayz thought so ] .... but nevr tried out those puzzles & all .

Yes it is queen of sciences.

And is there any mathematical war going on here ??

are dear again u cannot cancel ( a^2 - ab ) na .... cause its a(a - b ) and first step u assumed a = b .... so its ZERO Again .... and u cannot thus divide by zero.

U will find a hell lota such kind of obnoxious proofs.

Newayzz .. thanx for visting my blog .. and keep visiting. Nice blog u have. Welcome to blog world DuDETTE.

And hey isnt everybdy insane here .. so whts so extreme abt ur case haan ;)

Saturday, 05 November, 2005  
Blogger milo said...

i dont like maths;-( though i studied real hard coz of compulsion..

Tuesday, 08 November, 2005  
Blogger CB said...

WOWOW..Nice..anyways, the dividing by zero thingy is already beaten to death i guess..and yes, fibonacci numbers are one of the most researched numbers in mathematics..if u're interested, read this book called 'Concrete Maths'..high funda stuff..

Thursday, 10 November, 2005  
Blogger CB said...

WOWOW..Nice..anyways, the dividing by zero thingy is already beaten to death i guess..and yes, fibonacci numbers are one of the most researched numbers in mathematics..if u're interested, read this book called 'Concrete Maths'..high funda stuff..

Thursday, 10 November, 2005  
Blogger Shashi Iyer said...

hey (dint seem ok to call u xtremely insane). nice one. math is cool of course. i only wished we dint have math teachers of the sort we did end up having... i'd say math'll take good care of you, provided u're loyal to her majesty

Friday, 11 November, 2005  
Blogger SpankMac said...

oh yeah. maths is great when you have to think, use your brain, etc. not like what we're doing now,
from the past one month, we've been sloving partial differential equations, over and over.. the SAME way. one page long brain dead solution.

anyway, interesting puzzle, i'll give it a thought (unless i forget).

also ya, the phi no., which i'd heard about and read in the da vinci code, is really amazing. wonders of nature..

Sunday, 13 November, 2005  
Blogger Sonia said...

i used to feel that way too. i used to like the teacher first and the subject second. if i liked the teacher, then i wud get top marks for the subject. i hated ALL my lecturers in college.

Monday, 14 November, 2005  
Blogger nandini said...

Great blog... and I loved those defiitions... Trivial Obvious and so on... I totally identify with that.. I hear it all the time from my profs :)... I remember the 1=2 thing from school... it was published as a joke somewhere ....

Thursday, 17 November, 2005  

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